Are you are looking for an older part exchange vehicle and want to save money? Too Good To Trade wish to give you the opportunity to buy a bargain before it goes to auction and is returned to the retail market through independent traders at a higher price with their added profit margin. We feel that by allowing our customers access to these vehicles improves the motoring solutions we offer.
For a limited period of just 30 days per car, we can now offer the opportunity to purchase a vehicle which in the past would have been for “trade only”.
Don’t miss out, remember each car is offered for sale to you for up to 30 days before it’s gone forever!
So, if you are looking for a bargain why not check out our ‘Too Good to Trade’ cars.
As a buyer, you can expect the following benefits: Mechanical Safety Check by Trained Technicians
* TGTT Credit repair service
Our Too Good to Trade Centre may be able to help you secure a loan for a vehicle when you have had problems obtaining a loan or credit agreements in the past.
We work with over 20 different finance providers some of whom specialise in “Credit Repair” and may be able to assist you even if you have been denied credit in the past.